Our Results


As of 2019, JLMC has reached over 6,000 girls in 96 communities in Central Uganda with the Girl Power Project curriculum. JLMC has engaged in data collection around the impact of the Girl Power Project for two separate research studies.

Research Study One: In September 2015, JLMC began gathering data internally for a monitoring and evaluation framework designed to measure the efficacy of the 2 year long Girl Power Project curriculum in shifting the attitudes and behaviors of girls who were educated with the Girl Power Project program. 

Research Study Two: in September 2017, JLMC engaged an objective third party, Texas A&M University, to assess the impact of the Girl Power Project at the community level - on boys, parents, teachers, administrators and community leaders. To Learn about the successful outcomes of the research, review the addendum included. 

Research Study One - Internal Research Findings on Girl Power Project’s Impact on Girls:

The two year study adopted a quasi experimental phase in design to evaluate the projects causal impact on outcomes. Within this study Empowerment is defined as a process of change where women and girls] obtain the ability to transform themselves and others, make decisions in every dimension of their lives, hold institutions accountable, shape the choices that are on offer, and believe they are entitled to do so. 

A survey was designed to measure girls personal empowerment via their demonstration of knowledge and attitudes based on Girl Power Project curriculum. 

The survey questions were administered to two cohorts of girls (treatment and control) at two points and (treatment) at three points. Over 750 girls participated in the study. 

Midway through the study, the preliminary results were clear. The girl Power Project was working. The treatment group outperformed the control group across all critical indicators.



Just Like My Child Foundation works in Luwero, Nakasongola and Nakaseke Districts in the heart of Uganda’s Central region, lying directly north of the capital city, Kampala. 

  • Luwero District 

  • Nakasongola District 

  • Nakaseke District 

Map of Uganda Three Districts.png