Transforming The World
One Girl At A Time™
Empowering Adolescent Girls and Their Communities
We believe empowered women and girls are able to transform themselves and others, make decisions in every dimension of their lives, hold institutions accountable, shape the choices that are on offer, and believe they are entitled to.
Our mission is to empower vulnerable adolescent girls by enabling them to create healthy, self sustaining families who prosper without further aid.
Our vision is to empower one million vulnerable adolescent girls and the communities they live in, thereby creating a dramatic improvement in Uganda’s health, economic stability, and environment.
Just Like My Child Foundation Uganda has reached over 6,000 girls, nearly 5,000 boys and over 10,000 adults in over 100 communities with sustainable life skills and asset building training through evidence based programs.
Empowering Adolescent Girls
Just Like My Child Foundation Uganda has worked alongside partners in the United States to develop and test the Girl Power Project - a replicable curriculum and system of delivery to empower girls with the knowledge, skills and assets they need to stay in school and avoid child marriage, disease, early pregnancy and violence. Our local team of mentors, advocates and partners collaborate to implement The Girl Power Project in three districts in Central Uganda. Adolescent girls ages 12-15 recieve over 60 hours of engaging empowerment workshops, camps and club sessions. Adolescent boys are also trained in critical life skills and advocacy of girls.
Engaging Communities to Support Empowered Girls
Just Like My Child Foundation Uganda is building a strong foundation for girls empowerment to take hold by engaging adult volunteers in the same communities where girls are trained in the Girl Power Project. Through Project Justice, trusted adults receive over 50 hours of engaging empowerment workshops focused on children’s rights, local laws and mediation strategies - coupled with practical community dialogues and exchanges, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and networks necessary to mentor, support and advocate for girls.
Providing Girls Opportunities for Higher Education
Just Like My Child Foundation Uganda is sowing the seeds of empowerment by ensuring that high performing, yet vulnerable girls receive a high quality education as well as one on one mentoring and career planning. The Mandela Project is a sponsorship program that eliminates the barrier for a qualified cohort of Girl Power Project trained girls to pursue higher and professional education.
“Before, I was so shy I couldn’t even speak to people. Now I can speak to people freely and I’m assertive. I make sure that that person understands me well. I learned how to protect myself. I learned that I should not be violated and I should have my human rights respected.”
— Joan Nabatanzi, Girl Power Project Graduate and Mentor

Uganda Office:
Kaludo Complex, Ground Floor
Kasana, Luwero
+256 75 770 20 56
+256 77 070 09 19